Today is HALLOWEEN :D. I love it, it's an interesting holiday and I also love the history of Halloween. It's very popular among young people, because you can go to creepy party's or watch a horror movie or have a great night with your friends, going around and collect sweets as much you can. Girls can dress up as they wish. It's the only day you can walk around so freely, because it's Halloween and everyone looks like that. Especially Halloween party 's are the best of it because it's creepy, but  a normal party, which most people get drunk. Personally, I love Halloween, unfortunately it's not as popular in America as in Germany. In Germany are mostly children, who go from house to house and asking for candy. You can dress up as you like, such as Vampire, Catwomen, fairy tale figure, unicorn or a mouse. You have fun in dressing, you can go to cool party 's , and just having a nice time. So, how do you like halloween? Do you like Halloween at all? As which figure would you dress yourself? I would dress up as Little Red Riding Hood and I would add a few scars and blood. Write me in the comments and let me know what you think about it.
Happy Halloween! 

4 Kommentare:

  1. Hört sich ja super an (: Ich bin heute schon verplant, mit Freunden Donnie Darko gucken, aber am Wochenende gehts auf ne Halloweenparty :D

  2. Da schreibt wohl ein kleiner Halloweenfan ;D Ich kann diese Liebe leider nicht wirklich mit dir teilen, ich mag solche "Feiertage" nicht, genauso wie Weihnachten und Silvester sind das für mich solche Tage an denen man die Erwartungen an z.B. Partys viel zu hoch legt :D Naja ich kann aber auch verstehen wenn Leute Halloween mögen. Ich wünsche dir noch einen tollen Abend! :)

  3. Aber ja doch, der Lidschatten hat 3,99 € gekostet :)

  4. Toller Post und super Fotos
    Alles Liebe


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