Here are a few things, which are my little october favorites. Of course it's not all and I will ad more things the following time, but these are my most important products to enjoy the fall-time. Fall is my favorite season, I love the colors, the warm and cozy clothes and for all the smell of my red candle. Fall is amazing! Do you love this season, too? Or is summer your favorite? For me, it's fall, because the nature is so beautiful and colorful.

3 Kommentare:

  1. As I just found to you through the german website 'Blog-zug' I'm not really sure wether to comment in german or english. But just to make sure you can read this I'm gonna stay with english. The candle is from ikea, isn't it? I had that one too, just 'emptied' it yesterday. It seriously smeeeeells so damn good :D I loved that scent. The fourth nailpolish looks nice as well! :) Cool favourites! ;)

  2. Thanks, and you're right :D the candle is from IKEA. IKEA has also candles in white, which smells like vanilla. Soooo good :D

  3. Hey, I am not sure too, which language i should choose XD I tagged you, i'd be glad if you joined the Tag. Check out my blog ;) the Tag ist german...


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